Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Back to My Roots

Always amazing how easy it is to get thrown off my game. A serendipitous encounter, a turn right instead of left, focus is lost, and off I go again, following paths meant for the footsteps of another.

Earth-school is difficult, challenging, as it is meant to be. The lessons we fail to learn once, come back again in another package, over and over again, until we get it. And when we think we got it, the Universe sends it again and asks, “Are you sure?” Need to get centered; meditate, pray, zhikr, shut up, be still, listen, remember what I’m really here for.

Bless the past and those who brought the gift/lesson, even (especially) the hard lesson; love and honor them; release; and send them on their way.

Catfish Friday is planning a show in June. This piece has something to do with a tree, roots, wings. Its been in my head since last summer, and is gradually taking shape. There is evolution here. I don’t know who she is yet…

1 comment:

Evie said...

I 'stumbled' on your blog, and I love your writing and your art is wonderful! This message spoke to me, and I just wanted to let you know.
