Saturday, August 31, 2013

Art Dolls & Blackeyed Peas. The Kitchen is My Studio.

I found fresh picked cowpeas (aka blackeyed peas) at Cheesequake Farms yesterday! up early this morning, i shell the cowpeas, bring to a boil. Sauté onions and garlic in olive oil, add tomato paste and cumin. Add peas. Kosher salt, black pepper to taste. Finish covered on low heat until tender.

It seemed right that I should have Aunt Hawsie in the kitchen to supervise. I never met my Great Aunt Hawsie, sister of my Mother's Mother. She passed long before I was born, when Mommy and Aunt Deenie were young. Rumor has it I look more like her than I do anyone else. Aunt Deenie say she was very kind.

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