Monday, January 3, 2011

Clearing the Head, Zihua Vacation, and Frida Kahlo as Inspiration

This is my last day of vacation. Tomorrow, back to the day job. We spent Christmas with my cousin at their home in Zihuatenajo. First things first - Thanks to Michielle and Frank for showing us an amazing time. Michielle and Frank were wonderful hosts. I rested, created, walked, swam and got to spend time getting to know Mi Prima. Frank and Michielle are both accomplished painters and their home is a little oasis of creative inspiration. Michielle gave LaShay painting lessons. L now makes really good palm trees.

I made a Frida Kahlo doll as a gift for Michielle and Frank. They are both Frida-files as am I, and she made a perfect addition to their home. Everywhere you look in Mexico, you see images of Frida. She is a national and international treasure. I think often of the beauty she created while enduring such unimaginable physical and psychic pain.

Being away at Christmas was a little different, but I think it was good for me and my little one, who loves to travel and didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, she wants to know are we going back next year or where else are we going. Kids are amazingly adaptable.

Life is much slower and simpler in Zihuatanejo. Roosters crow in the morning and the Bread Man delivers fresh rolls in time for breakfast. I got to just sit and think about things. The need to incorporate quiet creative time everyday. How I had slacked off on blogging, thinking I don't have anything so exciting to say. Maybe its not all about excitement. Maybe its about just being, and giving myself permission to relax and play. I used to know that.

So this year, my one resolution, is just to take things easy, not so serious, and make sure to put art/creativity into every aspect of life .. not just when I have time. Art making is a spiritual, meditative pursuit. I had almost forgotten.

I'm setting a goal of writing daily, and posting weekly, even if nothing "exciting" is going on. Let's see how that goes.


Mary Louisa said...

Wonderful Art Doll,looks some much like Frieda (sp). Glad to read that you and LaShay had a great time. Love the pic. of the weaving.

Angel Hugs 4 All said...

If we could all get this experience when we need it lol!!! I love love love Frida Kahlo as well. We should do a Frida challenge amongst some friends! I will think about it lol!! Call me!